Membership is available to those who dock at T.I.M. and other marinas within the Ports Toronto jurisdiction only (see map). Members must be sponsored by an existing paid-up member and should meet a Flag Officer before their application is considered and approved at a quarterly meeting of the Board of Directors.

Burgees are available for a fee of $25 and members are encouraged to fly their burgee when visiting other reciprocal yacht clubs.

View our home page for a list of our social events and scheduled cruises. Click here to download a map of the reciprocal yacht clubs accessible to members at the $300 membership level.

One of the requirements for HCYC membership is volunteering once a year to help support the club. Click here for more info on how the volunteering requirement works.

Cruising & Events

The club hosts several social events throughout the season including New Year’s Day Commodore’s Leveé, Sail Past and Commodore’s Opening Reception, Summer BBQs and Social Sails, Christmas in July (joint event with T.I.M.) and Octoberfest. We organize four or five fleet cruises each year in May, June, July, August and September.

You can now download a map of the

Those members who wish to participate in one or more of the club’s organized cruises should use the Contact Us link to book with the Fleet Captain. Regular reminders are sent to club members via email.


Membership Options:

  • Senior Voting Member $300.00
  • Floating Member = $175.00


  • Full membership with reciprocal privileges at Lake Ontario Yacht Clubs, club cruising and all social privileges. Can vote on club affairs at Annual General Meeting, and hold Board of Directors positions. Use of HCYC Clubhouse, Deck and BBQs in C-Basin and receive a monthly newsletter.

* New members, add $50 initiation fee

  • For Toronto Island Marina members only, with or without boats who want to join for social events only (i.e. no club cruising or reciprocal privileges). Can vote on club affairs at Annual General Meeting, and hold Board of Directors positions. Use of HCYC Clubhouse, Deck and BBQs in C-Basin and receive a monthly newsletter.

* New members, add $25 initiation fee


New applicants must be sponsored by a paid-up senior voting member.